Since 2011, the Community Development Center has been dedicated to fostering long-term economic security, preserving cultural practices, and safeguarding natural resources while enhancing the quality of life for Indigenous and Mexicano/Chicano families across New Mexico. Among our notable accomplishments is our collaboration with over 80 Indigenous and Mexicano/Chicano-owned farms to conserve their land-based cultural practices and natural resources through economic development. Our programming collaboratively designs curriculum and resources alongside project participants, prioritizing their expressed needs. Our approach involves frequent outreach, engaging in candid, one-on-one conversations with participants, and using those conversations to shape the direction and growth of our projects.



Our focus has been on revitalizing ancestral and traditional cultivation practices among farmers across New Mexico. We've achieved this by supporting regenerative agricultural concepts, representing a scientific approach to farming that harmonizes with nature rather than opposing it. For the farmers we assist, these concepts are not novel but are deeply rooted in Indigenous wisdom, yet reinforced through a scientific perspective. In our efforts to foster long-term economic security in Indigenous communities, we have coupled our support in regenerative agriculture with education in financial literacy and business development, recognizing that sustainability applies not just to land-based practices but to business practices as well.



CODECE’s other major business development areas include the creation of cultural tourism and agritourism businesses, artists’ collectives and other sustainable small businesses based on existing human, cultural and natural resources already in place in Indigenous and Mexicano/Chicano communities and enclaves. These emerging businesses are based on the principles of self-financing, use of existing resources and long-term access to identified markets.



If you are a farmer or would like to begin farming in your community and are interested in the services we provide through CODECE, please fill out the CODECE registration form and our Program Manager will be in contact with you within 24-48 hours.